External Advisory Board

Peter Bosch

European Commission

Advisor to the Deputy Director-General of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

Anna Calvete Moreno

United Cities and Local Governments

Anna Calvete Moreno holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law and a Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting, as well as a Master's Degree in European and International Law (University of Bremen) and a Master's Degree in Gender, Law and Society (University of Umeå). Since 2020 she has been working at United Cities and Local Governments, the main network representing the voices, needs and aspirations of local and regional governments, and their associations, around the world. Her main fields of work are local governance, international and decentralized cooperation, migration, equality and sustainable development. She coordinates the yearly "Towards the localization of the SDGs" report that the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments presents at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development.

Michael Jones-Correa

University of Pennsylvania

Michael Jones-Correa is the President’s Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Immigration (CSERI) at the University of Pennsylvania.  He taught previously at Harvard and Cornell, where he served as the Robert J. Katz Chair of the Department of Government from 2014-2016. He has been a co-PI for the 2006 Latino National Survey, the Philadelphia-Atlanta Project, and the Latino Immigrant National Election Survey (LINES) in 2012 and 2016, as well as the author of several dozen publications on immigration, race, ethnicity and citizenship in the United States. He has been a visiting fellow at the Russell Sage Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University, and was the team leader and ISS fellow for the 2010-2013 theme project “Immigration: Settlement, Immigration and Membership,” at the Institute for the Social Sciences at Cornell.  He currently serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Russell Sage Foundation.

Irena Guidikova

ICC Council of Europe

Irena Guidikova is a graduate of Political Science and Political Philosophy from the Universities of Sofia (BG) and York (UK); she has been working at the Council of Europe since 1994. Since 2013 she has also been in charge of organising the Council of Europe’s annual World Forum for Democracy for issues relating to democratic innovation, bringing together over 1,500 decision-makers, activists, journalists and academics from all over the world.

Bruno Meeus

University of Leuven, ReRoot project

Dr Bruno Meeus (University of Leuven) is project manager of the H2020 project ReROOT. ReROOT investigates the situation of arrival in different pilot sites across Europe and develops the methodologies to grasp and intervene in the operation of the infrastructures that shape migrants’ arrival. Based on the results from the pilot sites, ReROOT develops and tests mapping toolkits and platform prototypes for policy makers and civil society at large.

Andrea Membretti

University of Eastern Finland, MATILDE project

PhD in Sociology, he is currently Senior Researcher at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Karelian Institute, where he is the Scientific Head of the Horizon2020 project MATILDE (Migration impact assessment to enhance local integration in rural and mountain areas of Europe). He is Assistant Professor of Sociology of the Territory at the University of Pavia and Faculty Member in Social Sciences at GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute (Italy). He is also Research Fellow at the University of the Free State (South Africa) and Affiliate Researcher at the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of the University of Turin (Italy). His main field of study is migration to and from mountain and rural areas, in relation to climate change, extreme events and socio-economic and demographic changes.

Maria Grazia Montella

Sapienza University of Rome and Council of European Municipalities and Regions

Maria Grazia Montella is an urban anthropologist and PhD in Urban Planning at Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis on the impact of urban planning policies on the integration of migrants in Rome and Amsterdam. She won a Marie Curie ITN Fellowship at the University of Poitiers, Laboratoire Migrinter in 2015-2017 and she was member of the IMISCOE PhD group. She worked for several migrant organizations in Brussels, writing and managing European funded projects on migrant socio-economic, political and spatial inclusion (MAX project, RIDE project, MILE project – starting in 2022). She is currently working at the Council of European Municipalities and Regions as project manager of IncluCities and policy coordinator of the CEMR Task Force on Migration and Integration. She recently funded an independent think-do-thank based in Brussels, INTEGRIM Lab and she is a mother of 2.

Anna Piccinni


Policy specialist in the area of governance, international cooperation and migration. She has gained policy analysis, field project management, negotiation and diplomacy skills working for leading international organisations (OECD, EU Commission, UNDP, UNIDO) and NGOs (IRC and Search for Common Ground).

Christina Pope

Welcoming International

Christina Pope is Senior Director of Welcoming International, a program of Welcoming America that supports and connects civil society and government institutions advancing migrant inclusion at the local level around the world. She heads the Welcoming International alliance of national networks, addresses emerging learning exchange opportunities, and provides technical assistance to institutions driving policy, program, and system change towards a more equitable future. Previously, Christina designed programs and strategy for Welcoming America's national network of local governments and nonprofits in the United States. Her background is in community development and international education, including prior roles in higher education administration and migrant services provision.

Annelies Zoomers

Utrecht University, Welcoming Spaces project

Coordinator of the H2020 project ‘Welcoming Spaces’, is Professor of International Development Studies (IDS) at Utrecht University and chair of the IS-Academy on Land Governance (LANDAC); she is involved in various research projects assessing the implications of migration/investment deals for local development in the context of the global south.