Tiziana Caponio
Tiziana Caponio, PhD, is Research Fellow at CCA and since 2015 she is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society (CPS) of the University of Turin, where she has been teaching ‘Dynamics and policies of migration’. She is also Research Fellow at FIERI and Marie Curie Fellow at MPC/EUI (until August 2020). She is co-chair of the Standing Committee on ‘Migration Politics and Governance’ (MiGPOG) of the IMISCOE Research Network. Her research focus on migration policy and policymaking, with a specific attention to the local dimension and multilevel governance dynamics, on which she has published extensively.
Selected publications
– Tiziana Caponio (2021), Making Sense of the Multilevel Governance of Migration. City Networks facing global mobility challenges, Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke, forthcoming.
– Tiziana Caponio and Anthony Clément (2021) Making sense of trajectories of participation in European City Networks on migration. Insights from the cases of Turin (Italy) and Saint-Etienne (France), Local Government Studies, doi: 10.1080/03003930.2021.1885378
– T. Caponio (2019), ‘City networks and the multilevel governance of migration: towards a research agenda, in The Routledge Handbook of the Governance of Migration and Diversity in Cities’, T. Caponio, P. Scholten and R. Zapata-Barrero (eds), Abington: Routledge
– T. Caponio (2018), ‘Immigrant integration beyond national policies? Italian cities’ participation in European city networks’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(11-12), pp. 2053-2069, online first August 2017.
– T. Caponio, M. Jones-Correa (eds.) (2018), ‘Theorising Migration Policy in Multilevel States: The Multilevel Governance Perspective’, Special Issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(11-12), pp. 1995-2010, published online August 2017.

Andrea Pettrachin
Andrea Pettrachin, PhD, is Postdoctoral Researcher at CCA. Before joining the Whole-COMM Project, he worked as Research Associate at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute, on the H2020 Project ASILE and the ERC Project MIGPROSP, and at the University of Bologna in the ERC project “Processing Citizenship”. He holds a PhD in Politics awarded in 2020 by the University of Sheffield, supervised by Prof. Andrew Geddes. His research focuses on the interplay between migration (multi-level) governance, politics and policymaking. During his PhD he analysed policymakers’ decision-making processes during the ‘refugee crisis’, at both the local and national levels, applying qualitative methods and social network analysis. He has published articles on this topic in various international journals.
Selected Publications
– Pettrachin, A. (2020), ‘The Unexpected Dynamics of Politicisation: the Case of the Migration Crisis in Sicily’, Mediterranean Politics. Online first https://doi.org/10.1080/13629395.2020.1741294.
– Geddes, A. and Pettrachin, A. (2020), ‘Italian Migration Policy and Politics: Exacerbating Paradoxes’, Contemporary Italian Politics. Online first https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2020.1744918.
– Pettrachin, A. (2020), ‘Opening the “Black Box” of Asylum Governance: Decision-Making and the Politics of Asylum Policy-Making’, Italian Political Science Review (IPSR), 50: 191–212.
– Pettrachin, A. (2019), ‘When Asylum Policies Go Local: The Case of Socially Useful Works for Asylum-Seekers’, Italian Political Science, 14 (1): 1-20.

Daniel Auer
Daniel Auer is Assistant Professor at the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy and fellow at the University of Mannheim’s Center for European Social Research, Germany. Prior, he studied Political Science and Economics in Vienna, Urbana-Champaign, and Zurich before receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Lausanne. He has also been postdoctoral researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and the University of Bern and visiting researcher in Malmoe and Oxford. In his research Daniel Auer focuses on discrimination- and policy-driven mechanisms that affect political participation and socio-economic integration, and on investigating drivers of migration. He applies longitudinal registry data as well as large-scale field experiments and representative surveys in Europe and West-Africa. His studies appear in leading journals in Political Science, Economics, and Sociology.

Effrosyni Charitopoulou
Effrosyni Charitopoulou was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. Her research interests focuses on intergroup relations, mainly exploring how local communities interact with refugees. She investigates such dynamics in both European and African contexts, using contemporary as well as historical case studies. Effrosyni holds a DPhil in Sociology from the University of Oxford and Nuffield College.

Florence Plouchart-Cohn
Florence Plouchart-Cohn is Whole-COMM Project Manager at Collegio Carlo Alberto. After graduating both in Economics and in Italian studies from Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure, she has worked in different fields in the past twenty years: teaching, research, international cultural and university cooperation, performing arts management. She participated, also as project manager, to several projects funded by the European Commission (European Social Fund, Creative Europe).

Floriana Russo
Floriana Russo is Whole-COMM Communication Manager at Collegio Carlo Alberto. After graduating in philosophy (University of Padua) and Advanced Migration Studies (University of Copenhagen), she specialized in communication and advocacy in relation to migration. She is also communication assistant for the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) and she collaborated as research assistant in the project TRAFIG, funded by the European Commission and led by the International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI).

Claudia Villosio
Claudia Villosio, is Research Manager at CCA. She has worked for more than 20 years on labour economics related projects, dealing especially with dynamics in the labour market and labour migration and assimilation. She participated to different national and international research projects, also as project co-ordinator, funded, among others, by the European Commission (FP7, Erasmus+, DG EMPL), by EUROFOUND, by EIGE and by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Welfare Policies. Her works have been published on different books and on national and international peer-reviewed journals.

Ferruccio Pastore
Ferruccio Pastore (PhD EUI 1996) is the Director of FIERI since 2009. He has previously been a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Firenze and deputy director of CeSPI (Centre for International Policy Studies, Rome). Besides research, he has worked as an adviser on migration policy issues for Italian institutions and international organisations. He has coordinated several EU-funded research projects and written extensively on the European and international governance of migration and integration processes.

Irene Ponzo
Irene Ponzo is the Deputy Director of FIERI. She has completed her Ph.D. in Comparative Sociological Research at the University of Turin (Italy) in 2006. Her main research interest are migrant and refugee integration processes and their governance at national and local level. More recently, she has started to work on the narrative-making processes concerning migration with specific regard to the interaction between the local media and policy communities. She has been involved in Horizon2020 projects on migration such as CEASEVAL, TRAFIG, Welcoming Spaces and BRIDGES.

Silvia Carbone
Silvia Carbone is a researcher at the University of Messina since November 2022 in General Sociology. She completed her PhD in Intercultural Sociology in April 2012. Since 2012, she has carried out an intense teaching activity and research activities at different universities: with a Post-Doc on FAMI funds at the University of Messina; participation in a FIRB project at the University of Palermo; involvement in a Horizon 2020 project at the University of Trento; several Prin and Pra at the University of Messina; and a Visiting Fellowship experience at the University of Padua. Her main research interest include extreme poverty, socio-health inclusion, migration and social services and social policies. Her collaboration with FIERI is related to the Whole- Comm project, Migrant integration in Small Communities (Horizon 2020).

Orlando De Gregorio
Orlando De Gregorio is a researcher in Sociology. His research deals with processes of impoverishment of population with migration background, the reception system for asylum seekers, policies against poverty and active labour market policies. He holds a PhD in Sociology at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of University of Turin with a thesis focused on the process evaluation of active labour market policies. His collaboration with Fieri is related to the Whole-Comm project, Migrant Integration in Small Communities (Horizon 2020), to the SOFIA (Servizi e Operatori Formati per l’Integrazione e l’Accoglienza), and to the project CAPACITY METRO.

Eleonora Milazzo
Eleonora Milazzo collaborated with FIERI on the Whole-COMM Project. Her research focuses on migration and integration governance, EU integration, and the ethics of migration. She works on these topics at the interface of academia and applied research. Eleonora completed a PhD in Political Science at the European University Institute (EUI) in 2021 and is Associate Fellow in the European Affairs Program at the Egmont Institute for International Relations in Brussels.

Albert Kraler
Albert Kraler is Assistant Professor in Migration Studies at the Department for Migration and Globalization at Danube University Krems (Austria). He has a PhD in Political science from the University of Vienna and a joint degree in Political Science and African Studies from the same university. Before joining Danube University Krems in 2018, he was a researcher at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in Vienna, where he was involved and led numerous projects. Albert’s current research focuses on migration governance and the governance of international protection, migration policy making, and effects of migration policies on migrants themselves. His past research includes a wide range of themes, including the situation of migrants in countries affected by violent crises or natural disasters, asylum and refugee policies in the EU and at the global level, regularisation of irregular immigrants, quantitative dimensions of irregular migrants, family related migration and family migration policies, and migration statistics and data collection practices.
Recent publications include Refugees. (with M. Czaika, in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, 2020), Climate Change and Migration. Legal and policy challenges and responses to environmentally induced migration. (with M. Wagner and C. Katsiaficas, 2020), Learning from the Past. Protracted displacement in the post-World War II period. (with M Fourer, A. Knudsen, J. Kwaks, K. Mielke, M. Noack, S. Tobin & C. Wilson, TRAFIG Working period and Regularization of Irregular Migrants and Social Policies: Comparative Perspectives (Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 17(1), 2019). Besides Whole-COMM, Albert is also involved in the H2020 projects Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG, 2019-2022), in which he coordinated a WP on protracted displacement and durable solutions from a historical perspective and the recently started Coordination and Support Action Sustainable Practices of Integration (SPRING, 2021-2023), which will, amongst others take stock of research on the integration of post-2014 migrants.

Hakan Kilic
Hakan Kilic is a researcher at the Department for Migration and Globalization at Danube University Krems (Austria) since 2017 while also being a PhD student in Migration Studies. He has a MSc. in Political Science from the University of Vienna and lectured between 2013-2017 at the Faculty of Communications, Gaziantep University/Turkey. Hakan’s PhD project focuses on roots migration of highly skilled Turkey origin migrants’ descendants from Austria to Turkey. Additional focus of his research includes topics such as, integration processes of migrants and refugees, international migration of highly skilled migrants, transnational and circular migration processes and integration aspects of migrant’ descendants.

Tamara Kerschbaumer
Tamara Kerschbaumer is a research assistant at Danube University at the Department of Migration and Globalization, where she is currently pursuing a Master in Continuing Education in Migration and Integration Management. After completing her graduate studies in Slavic Studies (Slovenian) and German as a Foreign/Second Language, she gained professional experience as a researcher in language education in the context of migration.

Anna Faustmann
Anna Faustmann is researcher and lecturer at the Department for Migration and Globalisation since 2009. She obtained a degree in Sociology from the University of Graz and also studied Political and Cultural Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 2005. Anna Faustmann holds a doctoral degree in Social and Economic Sciences from the University of Graz (Thesis: Migration and integration in Austria – Background, conditions and fields of practice of migrant integration). Her main research areas are in the fields of migration and integration into the labour market, social systems and health In terms of methodology, she is focusing on international comparison of welfare states and quantitative research methods in the social sciences.

Adriana Harm
Adriana Harm graduated in the Master programme Human Resources Management and Development at the oldest Romanian university “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” in Iasi. During her master study she started to work for an international group with headquarter in Austria, first in the human resources department and later as assistant of the local management. She works since March 2016 at Danube University Krems and is currently in charge of research management for several research projects on national and international level.

Isabella Skrivanek
Isabella Skrivanek has worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Migration and Globalisation at the Danube University Krems since 2010. Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersections of migration studies and social policy analysis, focusing on education and qualification systems, labour markets, migration and integration policies, as well as gender and diversity. After coordinating the transdisciplinary EU project MAGNET on migrant entrepreneurship support and managing a corresponding ‘train-the-trainer’ programme, Isabella investigates in her current research institutional drivers of integration policy. Besides her research, Isabella has provided expertise on a regular basis to IOM, the OECD and institutional stakeholders in Austria, including issues relating to the recognition of foreign qualifications and validation of competences, inclusive reception policies, changes in temporary labour migration and patterns of business migration; as well as engaging with public and civil society actors on the complexities of migration and its implications for individuals, local communities and society at large. Prior to joining Danube University, Isabella worked at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. Isabella holds Master’s degrees in Economics and Political Science from the University of Vienna.

llke Adam
llke Adam is an Associate Political Science Professor at the Brussels School of Governance of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She is the co-director of the VUB’s interdisciplinary research centre on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM). Her research interests include immigration and immigrant integration policies, multiculturalism, citizenship, (anti-)racism, sub-state nationalism and comparative public policy. She teaches “Diversity Policies in the European Union” and “European Immigration Policies” in the Advanced Master in European Integration and in the Master in Political Science (European and International Governance) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She published many books and articles on these topics and is regularly consulted by policy-makers, civil society leaders and the media.

Laura Westerveen
Laura Westerveen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Brussels School of Governance of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). She is also a member of the Brussels Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM) at the VUB. Laura defended her PhD in political science at the VUB in 2020. Her PhD thesis explored how European countries respond to persisting inequalities faced by migrants and minorities by studying policy frames in Belgian and German education and employment policy. Her research focuses on migrant integration and anti-discrimination policies, and discourses around racism and inequalities.

Louise Hantson
Louise Hantson is Whole-COMM researcher at the Brussels School of Governance at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in social anthropology at SOAS University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies), she recently completed a research master’s in social sciences at the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in Paris. This recent research tackles the use of photography in the construction of national identity in 19 th century Mexico, investigating how processes of integration and alienation take shape in the formation of modern nation-states. Louise has worked in the areas of journalism, documentary making, and conservation.

Birgit Glorius
Birgit Glorius is a full professor for human geography with focus on European migration research at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Her research interests and majority of publications are in the fields of international migration, social geographies of rural regions and geographies of knowledge. During the last decade, she intensively worked in the area of forced migration, asylum politics, and integration. She was lead partner of the H2020 project CEASEVAL, researching European asylum politics, and is currently leading a project on the integration of refugees in small towns and rural regions in Germany, focusing on the role of the receiving society. In Germany, she is board member of the German Network on Refugee Research and head of the advisory board to the research department of the federal agency on migration and refugees in Germany. Her international collaborations comprises IMISCOE membership and membership in the International Geographical Union.

Friederike Enßle-Reinhardt
Friederike Enßle-Reinhardt is a postdoctoral researcher at the human geography department at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Friederike obtained her PhD in Geography in 2020 from Humboldt University Berlin focusing on the implications of demographic change and social diversity for urban development. Her research interests include migration, inclusive cities, intersectional approaches, and geographies of encounter.

Hanne Schneider
Hanne Schneider is a researcher and Ph.D. candidate at the human geography department at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Her research interest include migration studies in Local and Rural contexts as well as European Migration Governace. Previously, she worked as a researcher in a project on the integration of refugees in small towns and rural regions in Germany, focusing on the role of the receiving society and in the H2020 project CEASEVAL, researching European asylum politics. Before joining the research team at TUC Hanne Schneider worked as a Research Associate at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) after she has gained experience in non-profit project management at Robert-Bosch-Foundation. She received her M.A. in International Migration from the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) in Osnabrück.

Andrew Geddes
Andrew Geddes is a Professor of Migration Studies and the Director of the Migration Policy Centre. During his career, he has led and participated in a number of major projects on aspects of international migration working with a wide range of academic and non-academic partners. For the period 2014-19 he was awarded an Advanced Investigator Grant by the European Research Council for a project on the drivers of global migration governance (the MIGPROSP project see www.migrationgovernance.org for further details). The MIGPROSP project analysed how ‘actors’ of various types in migration governance systems such as political leaders, officials, international organisations and civil society organisations make sense of the issues and challenges that they face and how these understandings then shape their actions. He has published extensively on global migration, with a particular focus on policy-making and the politics of migration and on regional cooperation and integration. Recent publications include The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe (London: Sage, co-authored with Peter Scholten); The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance (edited with Marcia Vera Espinoza, Leila Hadj-Abdou and Leiza Brumat) and A Rising Tide? The Salience of Immigration and the Rise of Anti-Immigration Political Parties in Western Europe (Political Quarterly, with James Dennison). A full list of his publications can be found here.

Leila Hadj Abdou
Leila Hadj Abdou, is Part-Time Assistant Professor at the Migration Policy Center at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute. She is in charge of coordinating the EUI’s contribution to the H2020 project Whole-COMM. Previous to this appointment she has already worked for several years at the MPC as a Research Fellow with a focus on migration governance from a global and regional perspective. She currently also holds the position of Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna where she conducts research and lectures in the field of migration, EU, and Austrian politics. Previously she also held academic positions at the Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Sheffield. In addition to her academic positions, she held project manager positions for an NGO in 2016 working with unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, and in an educational centre in 2017 working with adult refugees and refugee care workers. She is editorial board member of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS), and Editorial College Member of the journal Migration Politics. She holds a Ph.D. in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute.

Caitlin Katsiaficas
Caitlin Katsiaficas is a researcher in EUI and policy analyst in ICMPD’s Policy Unit, where her recent research focuses on international protection, talent attraction, and integration. Prior to joining ICMPD, she held positions at the Migration Policy Institute, World Bank, International Rescue Committee, and George Washington University’s Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, in addition to internships with local and national refugee resettlement organisations in the United States.

Leila Giannetto
Leila Giannetto is a Research Associate at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute. Before joining the Whole-COMM Project, she worked as a researcher at FIERI and EURICSE and as a consultant for IOM, CPMR, and CIDOB. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Trento in 2018 with a thesis titled “More than consultation. Civil society organisations mainstreaming fundamental rights in EU border management policies: the case of Frontex and its Consultative Forum”. Her research interests include the governance of asylum and policies of reception and integration of refugees and asylum seekers in EU member states and in remote areas.

Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas
Dr Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, PhD, is Senior Research Fellow in the area of migration and Research Coordinator at CIDOB, adjunct professor at University of Barcelona and member of the European network IMISCOE. She is currently scientific coordinator of the EU funded project BRIDGES on the production and impact of migration narratives in Europe. She has worked on immigration policies in Malaysia and Spain, the policymaking of integration policies from a multilevel perspective, political discourses on immigration, on irregular immigration and on refugee policies from a comparative perspective. Co-editor of the book Integration processes and policies in Europe (2016, Springer).

Reinhard Schweitzer
Reinhard Schweitzer is a researcher in the area of Migration at CIDOB. He is also a Research Associate at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR) in Brighton, UK, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. He holds a PhD in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex, as well as degrees in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Innsbruck. From 2018 to 2020 he was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science of the University of Vienna, where he led the project REvolTURN – Managing migrant return through ‘voluntariness’. His research focusses on the politics, practices, and challenges of governing international migration across different administrative levels, geographical contexts, and institutional settings. From an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective, he studies legal frameworks, everyday practices of policy implementation, and ways in which migrants themselves perceive, use, bend or resist the rules and restrictions imposed on their mobility and “integration”. He recently co-edited the open access book Politics of (Dis)Integration (IMISCOE Research Series, 2020) and has published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Politics and the Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. His latest book Micro-Management of Irregular Migration will be published by Springer in early 2022.

Juan Ramón Jiménez-García
Juan Ramón Jiménez-García (Seville, 1991) is a researcher in the migration area of CIDOB, associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University and member of the Sociodemographic Research Group (DEMOSOC). He graduated in Political Science from the Pablo de Olavide University and the University of Warmia and Mazurski (2013), a Master in Public Management from the University of Granada (2014) and a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the Pompeu Fabra University (2020). His research interests include ethnic and gender inequalities, social stratification and social integration of migrants and vulnerable groups. His relationship with migration dates to 2014 when he began to collaborate with the Andalusian Anti-Rumor Network. In 2015, while beginning his doctoral studies, he worked on the Prejudices, Stereotypes and Discrimination project, where he focused on the design and implementation of social experiments to detect discrimination in the labor market. From 2017 to 2020 he worked in the areas of training and employment and international protection of the CEPAIM Foundation. Thanks to this experience, he had developed a great ambition and interest in transferring what he learned to his academic research and began to study the processes of ethnostratification and socio-occupational integration of migrants in Spain. He is currently researching the processes of social integration in European countries of immigrants from outside the EU and asylum seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection.

Patrycja Matusz
Prof. Patrycja Matusz received her PhD from the University of Wrocław. Currently she is vice-rector for project and international relations at the University of Wrocław. Patrycja Matusz is a political scientist, her research interests are multi-level governance of migration, local integration policies, education of migrants children. She was involved in international research project such as Horizont2020 ADMIGOV.

Eirini Aivaliotou
Eirini Aivaliotou is a Ph.D. student and lecturer at the Department of Politics at the University of Wrocław, Poland. She specializes in the research related to host communities and migrants and immigrants’ integration. Her latest publications include: Patrycja Matusz and Eirini Aivaliotou (2020) Circular and temporary migration in Poland during COVID-19. AdMiGov Deliverable 3.2, Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw. Patrycja Matusz & Eirini Aivaliotou (2021) Covid-19 and Seasonal Migration in Europe: A Comparative analysis of Poland, Spain, The Netherlands, and Germany. AdMiGov Deliverable 3.5, Warsaw: Uniwersytet Wrocławski (Uwr). P. Matusz, S. Przytuła, E. Aivaliotou, Migration flows in Europe and migration crisis, w: S. Przytuła, Ł. Sułkowski (red.), Integration of migrants into the labour market in Europe. National, organizational and individual perspective, Emerald Publishing 2020, str. 3-17.

Peter Scholten
Peter Scholten is Full Professor in the Governance of Migration and Diversity at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Peter is international coordinator of the IMISCOE Research Network, director of the LDE Research Center on the Governance of Migration and Diversity and Alliance Coordinator of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities. His work focuses on the multi-level governance of migration and diversity policies, on cities of migration, on governance mainstreaming, complexity governance and on the relationship between research and policy in the field of migration policymaking. More information, see www.peterscholten.eu and https://www.eur.nl/people/peter-scholten.

Maria Schiller
Maria Schiller is an Assistant Professor of Public policy, Migration and Diversity at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She leads a university-wide research initiative on the theme “Inclusive cities and diversity” and is the managing coordinator of the Master program “Governance of migration and diversity” (GMD). Her work is motivated by the desire to understand and capture the dynamics of migration and diversity policy-making, with a focus on Europe. In her research she investigates the practices of bureaucrats in policy-making and implementation, relationships and interactions between different actors in the governance of migration-related diversity, and she often takes a comparative approach. Previously, she was a Senior Resarch Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, a Substitute Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen, a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Kent and a Marie Skoldowska Curie Fellow at the University of Vienna. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies (2014) from the University of Kent. She has published widely in international migration journals, including Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and Comparative Migration Studies. Her monograph based on her PhD thesis was published with Palgrave Macmillan in 2016.
For more information, see https://www.eur.nl/people/maria-schiller.

Elina Jonitz
Elina Jonitz is a PhD candidate at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Previously, she worked as a research assistant in two research projects that are part of the Erasmus initiative “Vital Cities and Citizens”, with a particular focus on diversity and inclusion. She holds two master’s degrees, one in Sociology with a specialization in “Governance of Migration and Diversity” (GMD) from the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and the other in Intercultural Communication from the University of Munich. She is interested in the governance of immigrant integration in multilevel systems, in (ir)regular migration movements and regularization opportunities in the context of non-deportability, as well as the impact of migration on migrants themselves. For more information, see https://www.eur.nl/people/elina-jonitz.

Pieter Bevelander
Pieter Bevelander is a professor of International Migration and Ethnic Relations at the Department of Global Political Studies and director of the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM). His main research fields are international migration and different aspects of immigrant integration.

Nahikari Irastorza
Nahikari Irastorza (PhD in Humanities, University of Deusto) is a researcher at the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare. Her research interests include international migration and integration, immigrants’ participation in the labor market, mixed marriages and their children. Before moving to Sweden she was a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at Simon Fraser University, Canada. She is currently working on one other H2020 project on the Syrian refugee-receiving community relations (FOCUS), where she is contributing to the socioeconomic aspect of the study with: a literature review on integration and the impact of migration in receiving countries, a survey study on Syrian refugee integration and host communities’ perception of such integration and attitudes towards Syrian refugees, and register data analysis on the employment of recently arrived Syrian refugees in Sweden.

Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy
Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, PhD in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), is a researcher at Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) at Malmö University, Sweden. Her background (BA and MPhil) is in social anthropology and she has extensive ethnographic fieldwork experience from Sweden, Spain, Bolivia, and Senegal. In her doctoral thesis Expectations and Experiences of Exchange: Migrancy in the Global Market of Care between Spain and Bolivia (2019) she investigated how care is exchanged within and beyond the global market, how the value of this care shifts shape across time and space, and the effects this has on transnational families based in Spain and Bolivia. After completing her PhD she has worked in the Horizon 2020 project Norms and Values in European Migration and Refugee Crisis (NoVaMigra), investigating the role of norms and values in the Swedish resettlement system and integration field, doing fieldwork with practitioners from the public sector and civil society organizations in Sweden. Her main research interests can be summarized as the effects of transnational migration on social relations and value formation, on both an intimate family level, as well as on receiving and sending contexts.

Måns Lundstedt
Måns Lundstedt holds a PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the faculty of political and social sciences at Scuola Normale Superiore. His main research interests concern processual and relational approaches to social movements, political conflict, and political violence, particularly at the local level. In his dissertation, Måns applied these interests to the study of violent protest against migrant settlement in Sweden between 2012 and 2017, tracing the emergence of violence to repeated interactions among residents, social movement/civil society organizations and representatives of local government. In the Whole-COMM project, Måns is responsible for coordinating fieldwork for the Swedish case studies.

Basak Yavcan
Başak holds a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Political Science. She has conducted research at Michigan University’s Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research, New York University, Northwestern University’s Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, TOBB University of Economics & Technology in Turkey, and at the Hugo Observatory of the University of Liege. Yavçan’s research focuses on comparative refugee integration policies, inter-group relations and public opinion, particularly regarding refugee integration immigrant acculturation attitudes and environmental drivers of migration.

Sinem Yilmaz
Sinem is the Integration Policy Analyst at Migration Policy Group. She conducts research and analysis of integration policies for different projects. Her expertise covers labour market integration, sociocultural integration, and gender. Sinem holds a PhD in Sociology from Ghent University and a Master in Science degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Sinem previously worked as a Senior Project and Policy Officer at European Network of Migrant Women .

Giacomo Solano
Giacomo Solano is the former Head of Research at the Migration Policy Group (MPG). His research interests include the comparative analysis of migration and integration statistics and policies (e.g., the Migrant Integration Policy Index, MIPEX) and labour market integration of migrants (e.g. migrant entrepreneurship). He holds a PhD joint degree in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam and University of Milan‐Bicocca. He is now Assistant Professor in Migrant Inclusion alla Radboud University.

Kristen Sarah Biehl
Kristen Sarah Biehl is an Assistant Professor at Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a researcher at Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence (SU Gender). She holds a D.Phil in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Oxford (2018). For the last 15 years she has been involved both academically and professionally in intensive research within the migration and asylum field in Turkey, having worked closely with a wide range of international, national and local actors and different migrant and refugee communities. Her research interests include ethnographically studying transformations of urban society and space through migration and diversification processes, examining the governing effects of migration and asylum policy frameworks, and more recently of comparing the gender awareness and approaches of civil society initiatives working in the migration and environmental fields. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Ethnic and Racial Studies and Social Analysis, as well as numerous edited volumes.

Aslı İkizoğlu Erensü
Aslı İkizoğlu Erensü is an Assistant Professor at Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Minnesota, and an MA in Sociology from the University of Essex. She is interested in regimes of mobility and politics of humanitarianism, and has worked on (i) how refugees are constituted as subjects of intervention at the intersection of the two, and (ii) how the experience of asylum is locally produced in Turkish cities. She has published on these issues in both Turkish and English-language journals, including Citizenship Studies and Journal of Refugee Studies. In her current research, she focuses on the politics of care in the recent trend of outmigration from Turkey, and questions how ideals and practices of motherhood impact women’s political subjectivities.

Meral Acikgoz
Meral Acikgoz worked at the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency, in Turkey between 2006-2019 in various capacities, advising on and implementing migration policies and laws. Ms. Acikgoz was lastly responsible for the Integration and Social Cohesion Program of IOM Turkey. She worked closely with the government to develop Turkey’s first Strategy Documents and National Action Plans on Integration and Irregular Migration, which were adopted respectively in 2018 and 2015. As a counsellor at IOM, Ms. Acikgoz was part of the team at the Ministry of Interior that drafted the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, which was adopted in 2013 as Turkey’s first immigration law. She also developed and implemented projects with local governments to establish municipality migrant centers, which provide mainstreamed services for refugees and migrants, and are the first of their kind in Turkey. Between September 2020 and July 2021, she worked as an independent expert and consultant with different organizations in Turkey. Ms. Acikgoz holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in International Relations from Middle East Technical University and Galatasaray University in Turkey, respectively. During the 2019-2020 academic year, she studied at the University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs as a Fulbright scholar. In the fall of 2021, she started her PHD on Evaluation Studies at the University of Minnesota in the US. She is also a part-time researcher for the Wholecomm project implemented by the Sabancı University’s Gender and Women’s Studies Excellence Center, member of an EU-wide research consortium and funded by EU’s 2020 Horizon Research and Innovation Program.

Zeynep Ceren Eren Benlisoy
Zeynep Ceren Eren Benlisoy graduated from the Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on how the process of rural transformation in Turkey has been restructured by the dynamic of gender. She explored the participation of peasant-workers women into paid labor based on their working experiences and practices at a large-scale and export-oriented greenhouse in Western Anatolia. She currently works as a postdoc researcher based in Turkey at Kadir Has University, on the Migration & Displacement stream within the UKRI GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub. Her research focuses on the gendered dynamics of labor migration as well as forced migration and displacement in Turkey based on critical and feminist theories. Her areas of interests are gender; agri-food relations; rural transformation; migration; women labor; ethnography and politics of neoliberalism.

Willem Maas
Willem Maas, Jean Monnet Chair and Professor of Political Science, Public & International Affairs, and Socio-Legal Studies at York University, writes on EU and multilevel citizenship, migration, borders, free movement, and politics focusing on Europe and North America.

Reagan Brown
Reagan Brown is a research administrator at York University with 12 years experience in grant writing, review, and research project management. After completing a Master’s degree in French Studies, she has continued at York to support the innovative research programs of faculty members at Glendon College.

Maissaa Almustafa
Maissaa Almustafa earned her Ph.D. in Global Governance and Master’s in International Public Policy at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University. She completed her B.Sc. in Economics at Damascus University in Syria and worked in the fields of diplomacy and international business development at the British Embassy in Damascus. Her research focuses on displacement and statelessness, refugee protection, and refugees’ lived experiences in the Middle East, Europe, and Canada. She is actively involved in refugees’ resettlement and integration through her role as the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at Reception House in Waterloo Region. She also serves as Adjunct Professor in Political Science at Wilfrid Laurier University, Research Fellow at the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research at York University, and is a Fellow at Balsillie School of International Affairs and an Affiliated Researcher with the International Migration Research Center (IMRC). Dr. Almustafa is the author of “Reframing the refugee crisis: A ‘European crisis of migration’ or a ‘crisis of protection’” (2021), “Relived vulnerability of Palestinian refugees: Governing through exclusion” (2018), and other works, and is completing her book manuscript (under contract with Wilfrid Laurier University Press) Contemporary Narratives of Exile: Rethinking Refugee Protection Worldwide.

Kathryn Barber
Kathryn Barber is a Ph.D. candidate (ABD) in Sociology at York University and Managing Editor of Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees/Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés. She has held academic positions as Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) in Sociology at the University of Toronto (Scarborough) and as a Lecturer in Sociological Theory at Brandon University in Brandon, Manitoba. She holds a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Psychology and an M.A. in Études de conflits. She is a skilled qualitative and quantitative researcher who has worked in the fields of migration, humanitarian and development aid as well as science and technology studies for the past ten years, and has authored and co-authored academic studies, government reports, and independent research organization evaluations of various UN bodies. Her most recent work in the field of migration includes a mixed methods study of private sponsors of Syrian refugees, a Toronto-based survey on the intersection of precarious immigration status and precarious work and a cross-comparative review of international higher education (IHE) policies in four prominent receiving countries (Canada, US, UK and Australia). Her doctoral thesis examines how interpretations of simple statistical techniques used to understand and define national populations were generated amongst expert statistical communities in 19th and early 20th century Europe. She is functionally trilingual (English, French, Italian).