Strategy paper: Making EU Rural Policies More Migration-Sensitive
Strategic hints for a migration-sensitive strategic reorientation of the Rural Vision.
Explaining integration policies and processes of post-2014 migrants in small localities in Europe. A whole-of-community approach
Key research results produced throughout the different work packages.
Toolbox: Local Strategies for Effective Migrant Integration
A guide for local stakeholders to adopt local innovative measures and policies for the inclusion of migrants and refugees.
Comparative paper: Public Opinions and Policy Impact on Integration and Social Cohesion
This comparative working paper reports on the analysis of the Whole-COMM survey on public opinions on the integration of refugees from outside Europe and Ukraine to four European countries: Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden. It also summarizes the key findings of a pilot integration policy index, MIPEX-L whose result are analysed in relation to the … Read more
Comparative paper: attitudes, intergroup relations, and migrant integration experiences
Challenges and opportunities of migrant integration in smaller towns
Comparative paper: migrants’ access to housing and employment
Accessing housing and employment in small and medium-sized towns.