The 18th edition of the film festival Crocevia di Sguardi, organized by The International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI), takes place from October 4 to November 16, 2022 and it will feature seven documentaries on migration, five of which will be available online.
In 2022, Europe is facing the consequences of global dramas such as the end of the Western presence in Afghanistan and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Borders are being closed, strategies for the inclusion of immigrants and asylum seekers are being abandoned, and continuous erosion of workers’ rights is taking place. We live in an increasingly overheated world in which climate change is only one of several dimensions of crisis at play.
“Overheated Connections” is the title of Crocevia di Sguardi in a mixed online and in-person format. The documentaries in program highlight the connections between global forces and local worlds, proposing new ways to cool destructive interconnections: through a radical ecological turn, demilitarization, the political leadership of youth and children of migration, and the power of art, in all its expressions. In addition to the presence of scholars, researchers, and activists, meetings with filmmakers Federico Francioni and Dagmawi Yimer enrich this edition.
All documentaries will be both presented in theaters and made accessible, after registration, on the Festivalscope platform. The seminars will be live streamed on the Crocevia di Sguardi Facebook page.
Beside the offline screenings in Torino, it is possible to follow the festival for free on the Festivalscope platform.
All documentaries will be available for 2 days (from 9pm before the screening till midnight the day after). Places on Festivalscope are limited.