We are thrilled to announce for the second year our partnership with Welcoming Week, an annual campaign that exemplifies our commitment to fostering diverse and inclusive communities. This year, Welcoming Week will take place from September 8th to September 17th, 2023.
Welcoming Week is an initiative by Welcoming America and its members, designed to bring together individuals and organizations in our communities. Its goal is to celebrate and promote the importance of inclusivity and the value of welcoming environments for everyone, including immigrants. The core ethos of Welcoming Week resonates with our values, emphasizing the building of strong connections among neighbors from all walks of life.
To know more about the initiative, Lola Pak wrote for us the blog How participating in Welcoming Week advances welcome for migrants.
Do you want take part to Welcoming Week?
On Welcoming Week’s website you can find out how to get involved to promote the values of inclusivity and community building.
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