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Subtiliteiten van ‘succesvolle integratie’, – Reflecties op mijn veldwerk in vier kleine gemeentes in Nederland

Elina Jonitz In april 2021 bundelden 13 partners hun krachten om te onderzoeken hoe middelgrote en kleine gemeentes, evenals plattelandsgebieden in acht EU en twee niet-EU landen (Turkije en Canada), hebben gereageerd op de komst van vluchtelingen en migranten sinds 2014. Nu, na iets meer dan drie jaar, is het Europese onderzoeksproject Whole-COMM officieel ten … Read more

Country report on social relations, individual attitudes and migrant integration experiences – the Netherlands

This report looks at post-2014 migrants’ reciprocal attitudes, social relations, and integration experiences in four small and medium-sized towns and rural areas in the Netherlands. Primarily based on interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation conducted in the four selected municipalities, the report explores which factors facilitate or hinder positive encounters and shape attitudes, interactions … Read more

Country report on access to services – the Netherlands

This report looks at post-2014 migrants’ access to housing, employment, and other relevant resources in different small and medium-sized towns and rural areas in the Netherlands. Primarily based on interviews conducted in six selected municipalities, it provides an overview of:1) the concrete barriers that post-2014 migrants are facing in relation to housing and employment;2) the … Read more

Country report on multilevel dynamics – Netherlands

This report looks at multilevel governance dynamics and at the integration policies targeting post-2014 migrants developed by six small and medium-sized towns and rural areas in the Netherlands. Primarily based on interviews conducted in each of the selected municipalities, it provides an overview of 1) national, regional, and local integration policies targeting migrants in the … Read more