Turkey’s ‘social cohesion’ agenda: Understanding living together in contexts of displacement
The emergent concept of social cohesion in Turkey’s Syrian refugee context.
The emergent concept of social cohesion in Turkey’s Syrian refugee context.
Through the three local case studies examined in Turkey, this report aims to explore the factors (social/group, ideational/political, governance and spatial) that are more relevant in shaping attitudes, interactions between long-term residents and post-2014 migrants, and migrants’ experiences of inclusion/exclusion. It addresses three cases: Small-Town East Marmara, Small-Town Central Anatolia and Rural Areas Mediterranean. Based … Read more
This report looks at post-2014 migrants’ access to housing, employment, and other relevant resources in different small and medium-sized towns and rural areas in Turkey. Primarily based on interviews conducted in three selected municipalities, it provides an overview of:1) the concrete barriers that post-2014 migrants are facing in relation to housing and employment;2) the local … Read more
This report looks at multilevel governance dynamics and at the integration policies targeting post-2014 migrants developed by three small and medium-sized towns and rural areas in Turkey. Primarily based on interviews conducted in each of the selected municipalities, it provides an overview of 1) national, regional, and local integration policies targeting migrants in Turkey; 2) … Read more
Paradoxes of national versus local imaginaries and policies of integration.